Dynasty Furniture-Sein Gallery Comm.070-8823-7266 Cell# 010 8942 0635 and 010 4603 2503(Sales manager Miss Ahn),email us.dhl.haaf@gmail.com and shine100chest@gmail.com Yongsan Dragon Hill Lodge Main Lobby, antique furniture, Modern and classic design furniture,Automatic recliner sofa-Leather,Korean Traditional Furniture, Homefurnishings, wholesale,retail,import and export business

And we in the first half of 2015 Rosewood Step Tansu, will sell the Home Bar.
The company has been in Hong Kong is a product that we add to the termination of the contract but the events in the AAFES to sell cheaply can import such items.
It is good luck to all.

Rose wood has a ebony and red sandalwood.We like red sandalwood furniture.A red sandalwood says Rose wood.Chinese ebony wood handles of the First Qin Emperor, I sat in a more advanced.However, ebony wood is stronger. You can not assemble the furniture as nails. Because rigid.he nice thing is true, but wood is difficult to use it too hard. Dark colors are also the atmosphere of the house can not be harmonized. Is too strong sense of China.So we have to prefer the red sandalwood.Red sandalwood is also very strong. Does not use a nail.The plant has too much sawdust dust. China factory is not a good duct facilities.It went into the field to the inspection will take the pain is.So plant allow to mask and gloves.Americans and Europeans who can not do, especially Korean Chinese factories can not manage.They are not in English.The language they speak is English + Chinese.
Pronunciation is more difficult.They were studying English UK English teacher was teaching Chinese.They had to use just memorizing phonetic English dictionary.So they are just short of ideas as well pronounced in English.So long while when they pronounce the Chinese when they do speak English often have little short people like tongue to pronounce.So Koreans are ethnic Koreans in China. They are the same people. They are still in Korean. And the use of them as a guide.They do not know the trade. They simply an interpreter. Yet, if price is important to talk directly consulted in English.The proportion of the total ethnic Korean Chinese, the ethnic minorities. Approximately 3 million people are not.
However, unlike other ethnic Korean Chinese are working as a dandy and makeup to the face in China.The modern than other ethnic groups. The reason is that you can travel to Korea and became the first to mimic the appearance of modern humans in South Korea.Some of them will be a professional translator and interpreter, and the couple is married for life.So we already have what we want to prepare a design in China.We are a completely traditional Chinese furniture is world-class households.The British in the 1700s in the United States, please be days before any professor of broadcasting how much better if there was a wish that the standard of living went up as much as China ... has been listening to the talk.The development of culture is the best country in the world has been well was China.Beautiful satin embroidery is a global leader in beautiful shape.Europeans are thinking seriously designs.They took in the beauty.
So would have wanted to steal the culture of China.

China is the axis in the cultures of Asia.

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